TFS 70 LB Farrier Anvil*

TFS has been in the anvil manufacturing business for several decades, providing quality anvils for the professional farrier and blacksmith. TFS anvils are heat treated to exact specifications and hand-finished. TFS anvils are made from ductile iron. The TFS anvils that weigh 150 lbs. and less are hardened to 50 Rockwell and all the larger anvils are 48 Rockwell. Face: 3.5" x 12.25" Horn: 3.5" x 9" Height: 7.75" Base: 8.5" x 9.5" 1" Hardie Hole 1/2" Pritchel Hole Made in the USA.

TFS70 TFS 70 LB Farrier Anvil*
$689.52  for 1+